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Does Puja work in this way?

Updated: May 11

Saw this post on social media. Look at the itinerary. All belief which i have said does not work and not necessary. This monk heart is only 6.5, with low honesty and normal person prayer power. Because he is wearing uniform so people treat him with so much respect and thinks he is so powerful and wise. Let me explain…

Puja to alleviate suffering all beings and obstacles - if can then there is no suffering and everything will be smooth for everyone. The world will be in peace. Bad people also be blessed. Not possible.

Dedicate to all deceased - cannot as after life reincarnation will base on karma and action when you are alive. So there is no need to do this.

100,000 gift of life dedicated.. - not sure how it works, why 100,000? They have no power to bless.

Buddha eternal life practise for longevity and health after covid - not possible as everyone there will be long live and healthy, so good health and not getting sick.

All the above is to give hope to people which is not bad. People need hope. Problem is that all these monk are not a monk but a normal people. They are a career monk just making a living as monk. They have no power and integrity

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